A few questions

A few notes about unauthenticated scans against a Linux system:

  1. such scans doesn’t show that much vulnerabilities due to the availability of security backports like done by Debian
  2. the version of e.g. Apache might be not exposed at all in default configurations
  3. when scanning Linux systems you might need to lower the “QoD” of your filter to show more vulnerabilities which have a risk of false positives. See https://docs.greenbone.net/GSM-Manual/gos-6/en/glossary.html#quality-of-detection-qod for some info about the QoD and https://docs.greenbone.net/GSM-Manual/gos-6/en/web-interface.html#adjusting-filter on how to adjust your filter

Also note that Lynis seems to be more like a Tool checking for compliance / hardening / configuration issues (if i’m understanding the screenshots correctly) and is not a vulnerability scanner like GVM so the results might differ on a default scan.

To check policies / compliance with GVM you need to do a few additional steps:


Note that a few policies / compliance scans like e.g. Linux Secure Configuration - Policy Scan are also only part of the commercial GSF.