A special conditions for scanning (MS17-010 and non-AD PCs)

Good day!

I have special conditions for scanning by NMap.

  1. MS17-010
    nmap -p445 -sV --script=smb-vuln-ms17-010 --open -Pn -n -iL [file] | grep -E -A14 -C9 ‘smb-vuln-ms17-010’ > [file]
    Is it possible to make a special task to get a result?

  2. For hosts excluded from Active Directory
    nmap -p445 -sV -sC -iL [file] | grep -B5 -A1 ‘WORKGROUP’ > [file]
    Is it possible to make a special task to get a result?

Thank you!

About MS17-010 I found the way (if it’s correct):

Scan config → Windows: Microsoft Bulletin → find 4013389 (2 items)

find Port Scanner → check NMap (NASL Wrapper) and Ping host

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