Clarification on terms needed: NVT vs VT

Hi all,
I just wanted to ask for clarification on these terms, they seem to be used interchangably. But I wanna make sure I don’t get it wrong. So:

Is there a difference between NVT and VT? Could anyone please clarify these terms for me?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi @felixN,

VT - Vulnerability Test

NVT - Network Vulnerability Test

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

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There is no difference in the meaning of both terms. Not all our vulnerability tests are network based therefore we started to use the term VT instead of NVT.


That is obvious and clearly doesnt help. Like I said, they seem to be used interchangably. But they are different Terms. The name also suggests that one relates to networking and the other one does not. Therefore the question, whats the difference between the two. Are they synonymous?

That is obvious and clearly doesnt help.

Thank you for the inspiration, that will make a great t-shirt :wink:

(for what it’s worth, expanding out acronyms is a fairly common request in general, so that was as assumption on my part, hopefully bricks’s answer helped)

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Yea, I’m sorry, I’m tired. I apologize for that :slight_smile:

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It’s all good, I hope you get rest soon. :sleeping: :slight_smile:

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