Compliance Scan for CPE Family

I am just starting to try the compliance scans and am struggling to detect out of policy CPEs

If I want to detect all Windows 7 installations, can I specify any CPE that starts with “/o:microsoft:windows_7:” I tried it, but it just returns nothing. Unfortunately every scan I have tried also returns nothing so it doesn’t fill me with confidence that I really have no Windows 7 instances.

I tried to search the CPE database for all CPE starting with that string, then export all to a file but the export takes at least 10 minutes and returns XML so that would need editing before feeding into the policy.

I am running the Professional edition on an appliance, v 21.04.15 so I do have up to date scan feeds.

Hi @djr were you able to find out? If not, please go ahead and open a support ticket here as you’re using the Professional Edition, thanks! Service Management

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OK Thank you DeeeAnn. I have not made any progress with this, so have raised a ticket.

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