GCE Installation Error on VMWare

Hello everybody.

I have error while install OpenVAS on VmWare. Can anybody helps me?

Hi, did you use the latest version 4.2.20 and follow the steps at https://www.greenbone.net/en/install_use_gce/ ?

Yes, I followed the instructions.

Please use the Virtual Hardware that is supported. It seems your virtual HDD is not the default VMWare Linux default one.

Hi, i create new VM, download new image and have the same error.

Hi, could you just give a quick overview of your configuration (used VMware product and version, VM version, used configuration [disk type, controller type])? Seems there is a configuration issue.

Ok. VmWare 5.5, VM version 8, OS Other Linux(64 bit) scsi LSI logic parallel controller

I double checked, it works with ESXi 5.5 with VM Guest HW 8.0 and the LSI par controller in our lab. Please check your hypervisor installation.

Other Vm’s works fine. I have a problem only with OpenVAS installation :frowning:

Please try the latest GCE Image.
