Global user cannot access other user resources

GVM versions

gsa: 9.0
gvm: 9.0
openvas-scanner: 1.0
gvm-libs: 11.0


Operating system: Debain 10
Kernel: Linux Server1 4.19.0-9-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.118-2 (2020-04-29) x86_64 GNU/Linux
Source: Official source
Installation method: Download source files and compile following steps described at Install Greenbone Vulnerability Manager 11 on Debian 10.2 from source... ·


After completing the installation, I have added another global admin, from the console (so I have two global admins). The problem is that these users cannot see each other (do not share any resources). If I log in as “admin” and list the users, I can only see “admin” and not the other global admin. The same thing happens if I use the other account. If I try to add the same user from the webUI, I get an error saying that the user already exists (but it doesn’t show it). If I retrieve the users from the console, with the command “gvmd --get-users” it returns all the users. So both users are in the DB, but for some reason they are not shown at once in the “users” section in the webUI.

I also tried the solution provided on the following post, but it did not work, since the “special” group is a resource added by either one of these admins and they do not share resources.:

Global users should be able to see and do everything, right? Unless this is a new security policy. otherwise, any ideas what the problem might be and how can I fix it?

Thank you

After many tries I’ve discovered that to make many users have permissions to others reports you have to:

  • create a group
  • check box “Special Groups - Create permission to grant full read and write access among all group members and across any resources”
    Now you’re ready to go!
    Actually It’s so simple

The user management in the UI is 100% the same in the Greenbone Community Edition and the Greenbone Enterprise Appliances.

Btw. I am helping here for fun and not for profit. The Greenbone Community Edition is completely free and cost you nothing besides your personal spent time. You can’t expect direct answers for all your questions within minutes from Greenbone employees in this forum. That’s what SLAs are for.

That said, I am glad you found the solution.


For the records, the relevant documentation on permission management is accessible here:

which could help as well.

Sorry for kind of inappropriate comment, I’m very grateful for your help and support for this community!