Gvmd: database is wrong version

Hi, i’m migrating the openvas database to the new server that is in kali linux. I am migrating from SQLITE to postgreSQL, and when I run gvm-setup I have the following error in the gvmd log file:

md   main:CRITICAL:2020-08-29 16h10.36 utc:1731285: gvmd: database is wrong version
md   main:MESSAGE:2020-08-29 16h13.38 utc:1731751:    Greenbone Vulnerability Manager version 9.0.1 (DB revision 221)
md manage:MESSAGE:2020-08-29 16h13.38 utc:1731752: check_db_versions: database version of database: 205
md manage:MESSAGE:2020-08-29 16h13.38 utc:1731752: check_db_versions: database version supported by manager: 221

Greenbone Vulnerability Manager 9.0.1
Manager DB revision 221
I have a doubt: what exactly is this Manager DB revision 221?
This was not clear to me, the other server is in version 205.

what do i need to do for the database to stay in version 221?

You can migrate the schema via:
“gvmd --migrate”


after executing gvmd --migrate the following error occurs:

md manage:WARNING:2020-08-30 08h20.00 utc:1883063: sql_exec_internal: PQexec failed: ERROR:  must be owner of aggregate group_concat
md manage:WARNING:2020-08-30 08h20.00 utc:1883063: sql_exec_internal: SQL: DROP AGGREGATE IF EXISTS group_concat (text, text);

I don’t know much about databases and that’s why I don’t know much what this error means.

Make sure that you run the gvmd --migrate command with the correct user (please consult the Kali documentation which one this is in the packages provided by Kali).

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You must call it as the user which can access the database, because by default the user name in the database is the process owner.

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