How enable TLS protocol comunications for download report from outside the VM

Hi all, i’m using:

GM type: CE
GOS Version: 6.0.10
Feed update today

I need to say domthing, because i have also a GVM11, on this GVM11 i can download reports with the gvm-cli because i’ve enabled the tls protocol and i can comunicate from my pc (outside) with greenbone (create task, download report ecc…)
I can do the same with the community edition? i’ve unlocked the root user, there is a command that i can use for unlock the tls protocol? so outside i can download my reports?
Thanks very much

(I’ve been looking for the way online since this morning)

It is not possible to download reports from an external machine via gvm-tools on a Greenbone Community Edition (GCE). This service is deactivated because it is only a trial version of our products.


@bricks thanks for the reply, I will give up to this features.