How to exclude fs location on Linux from scan

I use GCE ( GVM + GSA ) version 21.04. I have to scan some fileservers, and would like to scan only OS part of a server, not file server content. So basically I need to exclude some file system locations ( of whole filesystems ) on linux from scanning.

I tried to find how to setup this but without any results.

Can somebody help?


@tomislak what you mean? scanner does not scan filesystems. it only fetches package list, if authentication is enabled on scan with working credentials.



I get following error description regarding Adobe Flash :

Detected Adobe Flash Player

Location: /nfsshare/…/c5wyy8dq.slt/plugins/
CPE: cpe:/a:adobe:flash_player:

Concluded from version/product identification result:

I would like to exclude this location “/nfsshare”.



The scanner (or more exactly the VTs started by it) are for sure doing more then just fetching package lists if authentication is enabled. This includes searching for specific files / binaries to detect software which hasn’t been installed via the package manager.


There are a few settings available in the preferences of the following VT (you can change these by cloning the used scan config and following the instruction in 10 Scanning a System — Greenbone Enterprise Appliance 21.04.26 documentation):

Name: Options for Local Security Checks

namely with the following preference:

Folder exclusion regex for file search on Unixoide targets

The following might be also related:

Descend directories on other filesystem (don’t add -xdev to find)