HTTP request by greenbone uses which command?

Which command does greenbone use to send HTTP requests

@Achutt ?

NASL internal commands. So, it’s defined in: nasl_http.h

#ifndef NASL_HTTP_H
#define NASL_HTTP_H

#include “nasl_lex_ctxt.h”

tree_cell *
http_open_socket (lex_ctxt *);

tree_cell *
http_close_socket (lex_ctxt *);

tree_cell *
http_get (lex_ctxt *);

tree_cell *
http_head (lex_ctxt *);

tree_cell *
http_post (lex_ctxt *);

tree_cell *
http_delete (lex_ctxt *);

tree_cell *
http_put (lex_ctxt *);

tree_cell *
nasl_http_recv_headers (lex_ctxt *);

tree_cell *
cgibin (lex_ctxt *);

tree_cell *
nasl_is_cgi_installed (lex_ctxt *);

tree_cell *
nasl_http_keepalive_send_recv (lex_ctxt *);

tree_cell *
nasl_http_share_exists (lex_ctxt *);




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@Eero when scanning a web target is the request sent as wget or curl or some other command ?

@achuttnair as I said, it uses internal library to send those commands. No curl/wget commands or any other external commands.


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In addition to the previously mentioned scanner internal HTTP functions various additional ones defined in and are used by VTs.