Is there version requirement of openvassd and openvasmd to use the new OpenVas NVT plugins

Dear friend,

I’ve got the latest NVTs (GCF) by rsync and merged into my scanner system successfully. However, the scan result is very different. Before the NVTs update, 300+ vulnerabilities could be scanned out, however, after the update, only 200- vulnerabilities be scanned out on the same scan target, and the scanned out vulnerabilities is very different.

So my question is : to use the current NVTs, is there a requirement for the update of Openvas?

BTW, I’m using a very old openvas: version 5.1.3 for Openvas Scanner, and version 7.0.3 for OpenVas Manager.

Thank you for your kind help! Any feedback from you will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,



these version may work in some regard but it is very likely you get some undefined behavior and strange results. We (the Greenbone developers) are not testing our code for these old versions. At the moment only the components of the GVM 21.04 release are supported. All other versions may behave incorrectly.


Hi Brick,

I got it. Really appreciate your prompt reply!

Thanks again,
