Libpq-dev-13 and postgresql-11 with gvmd 20.08.1


I’m building gvmd 20.08.1 against postgresql 11 (that’s the version I’m using). However, for some reason, while building gvmd, it says installed postgresql version is 13:

– Looking for PostgreSQL…
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:137 (message):

  • Could NOT find PostgreSQL (missing: PostgreSQL_TYPE_INCLUDE_DIR) (found*
  • version “13.1 (Ubuntu 13.1-1.pgdg18.04+1)”)*

While installed postgresql packages are:

ii postgresql-11 11.9-1.pgdg18.04+1 amd64 object-relational SQL database, version 11 server
ii postgresql-client-11 11.10-1.pgdg18.04+1 amd64 front-end programs for PostgreSQL 11
ii postgresql-client-common 217.pgdg18.04+1 all manager for multiple PostgreSQL client versions
ii postgresql-common 217.pgdg18.04+1 all PostgreSQL database-cluster manager
ii postgresql-server-dev-11 11.10-1.pgdg18.04+1 amd64 development files for PostgreSQL 11 server-side programming

But gvmd picks header files from libpq-dev; which is recognized at version 13:

ii libpq-dev 13.1-1.pgdg18.04+1 amd64 header files for libpq5 (PostgreSQL library)

Since all of this are installed through official postgresql repos; I don’t understand this versioning. Why does postgresql-11 ships with libpq-dev-13 and does it have any impact on GVMD ? (since gvmd is recommended to use with postgresql-11)

I’m asking because I’m experiencing many lags & slownesses which may be linked to the fact gvmd not using the right postgresql version.

Any clarification would be helpful.

Thanks !

Looking at the Ubuntu packages ( I am really sure there is something wrong at your side. The libpq-dev library version should match to the postgres server version. I suspect the package repo is broken. AFAIK this may cause the issues with the server you are facing currently.

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Indeed. I’ve removed installed libpq-dev and libpq5; and installed the one coming from PostgreSQL repository.

Due to dependencies issues, I couldn’t install the exact same version, but I could install at least a v11 version. Now I have:

root@ov-master-eqi:~# dpkg -l postgresql* | grep ^ii
ii postgresql-11 11.9-1.pgdg18.04+1 amd64 object-relational SQL database, version 11 server
ii postgresql-client-11 11.10-1.pgdg18.04+1 amd64 front-end programs for PostgreSQL 11
ii postgresql-client-common 217.pgdg18.04+1 all manager for multiple PostgreSQL client versions
ii postgresql-common 217.pgdg18.04+1 all PostgreSQL database-cluster manager
ii postgresql-server-dev-11 11.10-1.pgdg18.04+1 amd64 development files for PostgreSQL 11 server-side programming


ii libpq-dev 11.11-1.pgdg18.04+1 amd64 header files for libpq5 (PostgreSQL library)
ii libpq5:amd64 11.11-1.pgdg18.04+1 amd64 PostgreSQL C client library

I’ve rebuilt gvmd / gvm-libs and will monitor if that makes any difference. Now gvmd pick up PostgreSQL version 11 correctly.

On a test server I’ll try to fix the dependency issue and have same version number for all PostgreSQL packages.



Hi There,

For the sake of references. I confirm rebuilding the latest stable release with Postgresql-11 & libpq-dev-11 librairies fixed the problem. Scans are not handled much more effectively and I havn’t noticed any longer lags and other performances issues.

I think the need of Postgresql 11 librairies should be mandatory for building from source. Too many problems are caused by incorrect librairies while the whole software suite is working somehow.


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