Migration to 20.08: How to retrigger report_formats import from the old GVM version?

Hi everyone,
Is there a way to retrigger the importing of old report_formats which happens during the migration to GVM 20.08? I migrated properly but then migrated report_formats got deleted (docker container recreation) and now 20.08 expects them and fails to display any scan reports on the frontend.

The longer story:

I migrated my dockerized instance of GVM from an old version. I copied old report_formats to /usr/local/share/gvm/gvmd/report_formats and ran:

 gvmd --modify-setting 78eceaec-3385-11ea-b237-28d24461215b --value ...

afterwards. After the feed sync everything was working properly. Unfortunately, after recreating the container the path /usr/local/var/lib/gvm/gvmd/report_formats/ inside was removed and I get the already reported problem with missing report_formats. e.g.

run_report_format_script: No generate script found at /usr/local/var/lib/gvm/gvmd/report_formats/5de2ca9b-d432-4a80-9fb5-17fe74964343/a994b278-1f62-11e1-96ac-406186ea4fc5/generate

GVM versions

gsad: v20.8.0
gvmd: v20.8.0
openvas-scanner: v20.8.0
gvm-libs: v20.8.0


Operating system: ubuntu:18.04
Kernel: Linux ef73c410b38a 4.4.0-201-generic #233-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 14 06:10:28 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Installation method / source: github.com