Redis>=3.0.1 distribution was not found and is required by ospd-openvas


I’m using ospd-openvas version 20.8.0 and when I try to start the daemon, I receive this strange error about redis version that should be >= 3.0.1. I’ve Redis version 5 installed, therefore I don’t understand why this error happen and stop me to start the ospd-openvas process, thanks.

pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The ‘redis>=3.0.1’ distribution was not found and is required by ospd-openvas


If you are using a debian based system you need to install the python3-redis package.

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I’m using AlmaLinux 8 (RedHat8).

Sorry I don’t know the package name to install the required redis python library for your distribution.

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Thanks for your reply. It’s the same name as on Debian. Problem solved by installing the python3-redis package on RPM system.

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