Scans results show empty

Hi Guys
Not sure if this is the correct place or not.
I am running the following version of GVM on Ubuntu.

GVM versions

**gsad: 21.4.1
**gvmd:Greenbone Vulnerability Manager 21.4.2~git-09bdb532f-HEAD
**openvas-scanner:OpenVAS 21.4.1~git-81c6a4e8-HEAD

**Operating system:Ubuntu LTS

I am able to run scans but my reports are blank, I have a server that I have attempted to scan which I know should have holes.
I have even selected the option Consider Alive but my reports still come back empty.
The scans finish very quickly around 2 minutes, from previous experience they take alot longer than that!

I have made sure the firewall is disabled on the Ubuntu VM along with SE.

I think I may have resolved my issue.
It would appear NMAP was not selected under the default full and fast as per this Guide

Would you guys recommend checking any other bits?

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