Ubuntu build cmake error on gsa 21.4.2

Snapshot of the cmake stdout

GVM versions 21.4.2

gsad: (‘gsad --version’) cmake error
gvmd: (‘gvmd --21.4.2’) compiled good
openvas-scanner: ('openvas have not installed yet.
**gvm-libs: 21.4.2 compiled good


**Operating system: Ubuntu20.04 (Debian)
Kernel: (‘uname -a’) 5.4.0-89 generic
**Installation method / source: source from Greenbone github

Sorry but I can’t find any error in the cmake output.

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Hello @fixvirus,

could you please provide us whole stdout log in text format? On the Print Screen is just a short part.

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CMakeOutput.log (45.4 KB) CMakeError.log (2.9 KB)

Ok - got it , should have uploaded it earlier.
Here are both files.

Ok, i see,

you don’t have a dependency for cmake - pthreads

Please repeat a preinstallation steps by this article - https://greenbone.github.io/docs/gvm-21.04/index.html#

This guide should you help to install all necessary dependencies.


I am rebuilding as the pthread is still not in it, starting with fresh install —
So I see in [https://greenbone.github.io/docs/gvm-21.04/index.html# ](https://greenbone.github.io/docs/gvm-21.04/index.html#
as you mentioned - there is no postgresql-server-dev-11 in ubuntu packages as in https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&keywords=postgresql-server&searchon=names
there is a 12 and a 13 as well as a 10.

for example: Package postgresql-server-dev-12

which one will work? I will try the 12 I guess.


you can use the latest version, from apt you will always get the newest package - Postgres 13 is sufficient.

Anyway, the missing dependency - is it a little bit painful but with google, you can find many articles where is described how to install it.

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

I remember my first installation and I got many similar issues whit missing dependencies everywhere.

Cmake will advise you which parts were not found and you can simply install them. Then you can delete the “build folder” and repeat cmake step.

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Thanks I did get further along - I have compiled everything cleanly now the gsad is working and I can log in. there is another problem, but I think I will post it separately we can close this one.