Upgrade GSA from 20.08 to latest version

I am running 20.08.1 on Kali 2022.2. Can you please tell me how I upgrade 20.08.1 to latest version.


Hi @capricorn800 and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

The Kali way of updating software packages is by updating Kali itself as described here: https://www.kali.org/docs/general-use/updating-kali/

which should bring to to the most current version that they have available. Our releases are usually a bit ahead of what is available in Kali (which is normal) and other Linux distributions so there might be a bit of a lag sometimes between what we just released and what you can install using system updates. Hope that helped and if you have any questions about Kali they have a user forum here:


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Do we have GSA VM that we can just boot up :)?

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Yep! The Greenbone Enterprise Trial Edition runs in a VM. Even though it is a trial, it does not time out and will use the Community Feed when it does not find an Enterprise Key. It’s a little bit different interface-wise but it’s worth giving a try to see if that will work for you.


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Thank you :slight_smile:

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You’re welcome :slight_smile: