Xml report export not clean

Hi have an issue with the xml report both anonymous and not, from the web interface and from the python gvm. When download the report i have a lot of tag EXIT_CODEEXIT_NOTVULN




how it’s possible to export the report without this value? I try a lot of filters but without success.
ps in csv or text or pdf report with the same filters i not show these values.

thanks in advance

GVM versions

**gsad: Greenbone Security Assistant 9.0.1 (‘gsad --version’)
**gvmd: Greenbone Vulnerability Manager 9.0.1 Manager DB revision 221 (‘gvmd --version’)
**openvas-scanner: OpenVAS 7.0.1 (‘openvas --version’, in older GVM versions < 11: ‘openvassd --version’)
**gvm-libs: gvm-libs 11.0.1


**Operating system: ubuntu 20.04
**Kernel: Linux c43f270261ac 5.4.0-42-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 10 00:24:02 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux (‘uname -a’)
**Installation method / source: docker

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