How do I…?

Here are some common technical questions we see in the forum about Greenbone Community Editions/OpenVAS, and below are some hints and links to discussion threads.

We would suggest not copying and pasting snippets as there may be different variables in your install, so a specific command may not work in your case, but these should provide some pointers on where to look.

The way you change the Admin(istrator) password depends on how it was originally installed with some different examples below:

Greenbone Free (gui):
GOS Admin Menu > Setup > User > Users > Change Password

Greenbone Community Edition (via the Greenbone Source Repository, non-distribution packaged, cli):
gvmd --user=admin --new-password=newpassword

Greenbone Community Edition via Kali Linux (via the Kali Linux Repository, cli):
sudo -u _gvm gvmd --user='user' --new-password='newpassword'

Scan Config can’t be created – Failed to find config ‘daba56c8-73ec-11df-a475-002264764cea’
Can’t create a scan config (failed to find config)

Note: In general a “Failed to find Config” message can appear when something hasn’t finished running in the background, especially with new installs and feed syncing/database loading.

GVMD_DATA – Too old (xx days) Please check the automatic synchronization

The GVMD_DATA feed is only updated as needed on the Greenbone end. With the current method of feed deployment the warning message should no longer appear. If you see this message please let us know on the Community Forum.

Important: IP and bandwith limitations on Community Feed

Please take a look at the above topic if you are encountering very slow download speeds.

How you update your installation depends on how it was originally installed.

If you are using Greenbone Community Edition via a Linux distribution (and you didn’t build it from source), you will want to update using your package manager. If the version available to you isn’t current, you’ll want to ask about it with the distribution you are using. For further reading see Getting Started: Greenbone OpenVAS via Linux Distribution Packages

Source Builds should be installed fresh, please see the current build guide (Building 2x.xx from Source) located within Greenbone Community Edition – Documentation

Instructions for updating Greenbone Community Containers are also located with the above link.

Greenbone Free does not have an inline upgrade path.