False negative: SSL/TLS: Report Vulnerable Cipher Suites for HTTPS

Thanks a lot for your posting.

Based on my tests with the current supported GVM / GOS versions 21.04 and 22.04 both running a current feed version (there haven’t been any functional change to this VT since nearly a year) this seems to work as expected in GOS 21.04 but the report is indeed missing in GOS 22.04 for unknown reasons.

As there haven’t been any changes on VT side i would suggest one of the following:

  1. Creating a new topic in Greenbone Community Edition - Greenbone Community Portal for some debugging help from GVM side
  2. Directly create an issue at Issues · greenbone/openvas-scanner · GitHub for making the responsible team working on this component aware of a possible problem

Greenbone OS 21.04.12

Greenbone OS 22.04.1

No result found.

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