Discussion: Changed Limitations for Community Feed Sync

Hello! :grinning:

There are some new changes and improvements to Community Feed access handling that you should know about so take a look at @bricks announcement here first:

Changed Limitations for Community Feed Sync

Questions? Comments? General discussion about the changes? Go ahead and post it right here :grinning:




I really appreciate these changes, it really helps to avoid sync issues when the machine is behind the NAT. The part of it should be a possibility to β€œtest” connection from OpenVas machines to Feed Sync IPs. In current settings, all these tests are blocked.

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Hi, I have been trying to get GVM installed on Kali for the last week both at home and at work. I fear I have maybe been blacklisted for following the fix instructions during install. Any way I can Is there any way to check if I am being blocked? I have ensured SYN cookies are enabled, I finally have the app loading into the browser now… but can’t feed sync. Any help is greatly appreciated. Cheers