Dont find CVE in NVT's

Hello, when I look for a CVE I find it in openVas but once I look for it in NVT’s I can’t find it anymore do you know why?

Hi @QuentinSA, we’ll need more info. Here’s a template that’ll help us see what your setup is like:

GVM versions

gsad: (‘gsad --version’)
gvmd: (‘gvmd --version’)
openvas-scanner: (‘openvas --version’, in older GVM versions < 11: ‘openvassd --version’)


Operating system:
Kernel: (‘uname -a’)
Installation method / source:


Versions GVM


Système d’exploitation : Kali-linux
Noyau :


Thanks @QuentinSA,

My next question is- do you mean that what you are adding in the scan setup is not showing up in the report? Or do you mean something else?

No, I mean when I target a cve in the CVE tab I find it but looking for it in the NVT’s tab I can’t find it.

In CVE :

In NVT’s :

Ahh! Thank you for the screenshots. It could be a syncing issue so try refreshing the feed and trying again, then let us know. Thanks!

I tried to synchronize and update it doesn’t change anything, I may not have the right commands to update I use this:

sudo runuser -u _gvm – greenbone-nvt-sync
sudo runuser -u _gvm – greenbone-certdata-sync
sudo runuser -u _gvm – greenbone-scapdata-sync


service gvmd restart

And i dont see CVE i need in NVT’s

i need its exactly if you directly know which family is the correct one :

Clearpass CVE & NVT’s i need :

This is expected:

  1. The “CVEs” tab lists ALL existing CVEs which are available in the database (at the time of the last feed sync) but it doesn’t mean that if a CVE is listed there a VT exists for it
  2. The “NVTs” tab lists all existing VTs in the current published / used feed

If you can’t find one or more specific CVE(s) by searching for it / them in the “NVTs” tab this means that no NVT / vulnerability test coverage exists.



Ok i understand @cfi , thanks for your answer