Interrupted at 0% Libgvm boreas failed to open ICMPV4

Hi all!!!

GVM versions

gsad: Greenbone Security Assistant 21.04.0~git-fa7aae38c-gsa-21.04
gvmd: Greenbone Vulnerability Manager 21.4.0~git-2cd0db62-gvmd-21.04
openvas-scanner: OpenVAS 21.4.1~git-106a206f-openvas-21.04
openvas-nasl 21.4.1
gnutls 3.6.13
libssh 0.9.3/gnutls/zlib
gpgme 1.13.1-unknown


Operating system: Ubuntu Server 20.04
Kernel: 5.4.0-73-generic
Installation method / source: Compiling sources

I have have all instaled and all feeds Updated. I configure the escaner with the corrects UUID.

I created the target, create a new scan. When i run the scan i get it failing with this data “Interrupted at 0%”

Log on openvas.log

sd main:MESSAGE:2021-05-21 09h53.17 utc:2726: openvas 21.4.1~git-106a206f-openvas-21.04 (GIT revision ~git-106a206f-openvas-21.04) started
sd main:MESSAGE:2021-05-21 09h53.24 utc:2726: Vulnerability scan e46df73c-679c-4d0d-b37a-3e960ef727d1 started: Target has 254 hosts:, with max_hosts = 20 and max_checks = 4
libgvm boreas:WARNING:2021-05-21 09h53.24 utc:2726: set_socket: failed to open ICMPV4 socket: Operation not permitted
libgvm boreas:WARNING:2021-05-21 09h53.24 utc:2726: start_alive_detection. Boreas could not initialise alive detection. Boreas was not able to open a new socket. Exit Boreas.
sd main:MESSAGE:2021-05-21 09h53.25 utc:2726: Vulnerability scan e46df73c-679c-4d0d-b37a-3e960ef727d1 finished in 8 seconds: 0 alive hosts of 254

Any Help?
Kindest Regards.

I can ping to my local network and internet, with the root user and the gvm user wihtout problems.

Sounds like openvas isn’t launched by ospd-openvas as root. The docs here has some notes on the root user:

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Hi! Thanks for your answer.

Your are right, i already have the visudo with the user correctly write.

gvm ALL = NOPASSWD: /opt/gvm/sbin/openvas

But not updated my secure_path with the correct prefix :frowning:

Thanks for your help!!!