Is VT 107303 a false positive?


and thanks for your report. It would be great if you could provide some more details on your observations:

  1. Which OpenVAS/GVM versions (especially openvas-smb) are you using?
  2. Which Feed-Version are you using?
  3. Which Windows versions are you observing this?
  4. Whats the exact output of the VT you’re getting? (It should be either about an uninstall and/or service path)
  5. Whats the output of the following command (replace the related login data with valid ones and use an absolute path to the wmic if required) started on the system running OpenVAS/GVM:
wmic -U "domain\username%password" //Target-IP "SELECT DisplayName, Name, PathName FROM Win32_Service WHERE NOT PathName LIKE '%c:\\windows\\System32%' AND PathName LIKE '% %'"

Note: If unsure about 1. you could monitor Hint: How to compare the current used versions of the OpenVAS/GVM packages with the GVM-9 stable release? if it receives any answers, if unsure about 2. please create a new thread in