Quota exceeded?

GVM versions

gsad: Greenbone Security Assistant 9.0.1
gvmd: Greenbone Vulnerability Manager 9.0.1 Manager DB revision 221
openvas-scanner: OpenVAS 7.0.1
gvm-libs: gvm-libs 11.0.1


Operating system: Ubuntu in Docker
Kernel: 4.14.35-1902.3.2.el7uek.x86_64
Installation method / source: From Source

After some time I tried to log into GSAD again but I get the error The quota has been exceeded.

What quota??? I did not set any quota and there is plenty of disk space left.

In the Logfile I only see this: gsad gmp:MESSAGE:2020-12-07 12h05.16 utc:55: Authentication success for 'admin' from

It was the quota for LocalStorage in Firefox :confused:
But the data on disk was not even near the quota!?
A restart of Firefox did solve the problem…